>[Memo]MongoDB 64bit Win7-OS

>昨日の問題点1.  2Gを超えるデータは、32bit Machineでは扱えない、ことの対策。

32bit Machineでは、サイズの大きなDBを扱うことが出来ないことなので、、

32-bit MongoDB processes are limited to about 2.5 gb of data.

Right now there aren’t too many people for whom 64-bit is a problem, and in the long term, we think this will be a non-issue.


64bit Machineにて、再度環境構築をします(^^ゞ


  • OS:window7 64bit
  • CPU:inter core i7 860
  • Memory:6GB


Installing MongoDB as a Service on Windows 7

  1. Download and extract the MongoDB archive appropriate for your system. http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Downloads
  2. Copy the extracted folder to C: and rename it mongo.
  3. Create a directory called ‘data’ inside C:mongo
  4. Click on the Start Menu and enter “cmd” in the search box. Right-click on cmd.exe and select “Run as administrator.” This is VERY important because you won’t be able to register MongoDB as a service if you run cmd.exe with normal privileges.
  5. Type “C:mongobinmongod –install” to register MongoDB as a Windows service. This will probably output what may look like an error message, but don’t worry … as long as you really did run cmd.exe with administrator privileges, everything is fine.
  6. Click on the start menu and enter “regedit” in the search box. Click on regedit.exe, and then browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservices. There should be child folder there named MongoDB that has several keys inside it. If not, go back to step 4 and try again.
  7. The ImagePath key should read “c:mongobinmongod –service” right now; change it to  “c:mongobinmongod –service –dbpath c:mongodata”. This will allow MongoDB to find its data files.
  8. Click on the Start Menu and enter “services” in the search box. Click on the “Component Services” option.
  9. In the pane on the far left, double-click on “Services (Local).” Locate MongoDB in the list in the center pane, and double click on it to bring up the properties inspector window.
  10. Make sure “Startup type” is set to automatic. Then click on the “Start” button.
  11. Browse to http://localhost:28017/ to verify that MongoDB is really running.






FTPをいれてなかったので、こちら参考にinstall & ftpd起動。dumpをコピーする。


【procedure for Win7】
mongod.exe –dbpath C:mongodata
mongorestore -d twitter C:mongodumptwitter –dbpath C:mongodata




>chcp 65001

profilesで@utadahikaru を検索してみる。

> db.profiles.find({‘screen_name’:/utadahikaru/i},{‘name’: 1})
{ “_id” : ObjectId(“4d3c99ddb69fff50abeb565d”), “name” : “宇多田ヒカル” }
Failed to write to logfile: errno:0 ���������������������������������������������: 000000013F20B980
{ “_id” : ObjectId(“4c725f051d41c85ccb004aac”), “name” : “宇多田ヒカルbot” }
Failed to write to logfile: errno:0 ���������������������������������������������: 000000013F20B980


friends で@utadahikaruを検索してみる。

> db.friends.find({‘internal_id’:174511656},{‘ids’: 1})
{ “_id” : ObjectId(“4d44ca312d2d5402709ec5d0”), “ids” : [ 185509698, 174544032 ] }




